Galeyev Mosque – «The Fifth Cathedral»

It was built in 1798-1801 by merchant Musa Mamyashev. In 1882-1917, the imam-khatib of the mosque was a prominent theologian, reformer teacher, public and religious leader, Mufti of the Orenburg Mohammedan Spiritual Assembly Galimzyan Mukhametzyanovich Galeyev (Barudi, 1857-1921).
The Galeyev Mosque is located on the territory of the Old Tatar Settlement. The shrine was built in the northern part of the settlement. Nearby is the Haymarket. The second name of the tenement is the Fifth Cathedral Mosque. The fact is that the building is the fifth, erected of stone in Kazan. The fifth Muslim community was formed in the surroundings of the shrine.
Construction of the facility began in 1798. Musa Mamyashev allocated the funds for the erection. But the building was named not after the benefactor, but as a tribute to the renowned at the time reformer G. Barudi. He served as imam for a long time and belonged to the family of merchants, the Galeyevs. It was this man who became the founder of the Tatar training center, a madrasah, on the holy land. Here the new sciences were taught, such as geography, astronomy, mathematics, and physics. The mosque also functioned as a cultural and social center of the Old Tatar Settlement. The Galeyev Mosque was often visited by famous personalities – Gabdulla Tukay, Kayum Nasyri and many others.
In 1891, it was decided to recognize the site as a historical monument of architecture. In 1997, the sanctuary was returned to the worshippers.
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